Benjamin Fleury | About us
Our company
The firm "Benjamin Fleury" was founded in 1999. Thanks to satisfied customers, we were able to expand step-by-step. Today we count 8 employees.
The company is located in Asuel in the heart of La Baroche, about ten kilometers from Porrentruy.
- We work in the field of wood energy and supply several large-scale systems for district heating.
- In our sawmill we turn your wood into frames, boards, squares, etc.
- In agriculture, we have a wide range of machines for various tasks such as bundling, silage, sowing, selling feed and much more.
- We also have a large selection of Hitachi and Cat construction machines for rent.
- 2021 -
Arrivée de notre future déchiqueteuse "Allbach Diamant 800ch" - 2020 -
Demolition and reconstruction of our new stable for our horses and mother cows in Fregiécourt - 2020 -
Returning the sawmill to service - 2020 -
Purchase of the Zimmerman sawmill in Asuel - 2019 -
Purchase of our famous "General Lee" truck - 2019
Takeover of the family farm in Fregiécourt - 2015
Purchase of shredder "Albach Silvator" - 2001
Purchase first shredder - 1999
Creation of the agricultural business